Monday, December 24, 2012

Memories of a Marionette #8

I've been very busy lately but I have the latest chapter done.


  1. Thank you Ronin! Merry X-mas!

  2. Marry Christmas and huge thanks for the upload

  3. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry X-mas and lots of new Birdy chapters to everyone!

  5. Merry Christmas and thanks for the new chapters

  6. I just recently picked up this series. After finishing the anime, I quite liked it a lot. Now will start reading its manga. Apparently you are translating this series for over a year. Thanks a lot for that. Now I will be able to continue on the series.
    And also it's a little bit late but Merry Christmas :)

  7. Heh...

    It's amusing to see someone coming here after watching Decode. I watched Decode after watching the old 90's OVAs, and then I picked up the manga myself.

    ...From the manga thus far, I have to note that I like Decode far less than I did initially, even with the things I didn't like from the beginning. I still "inherently" like Decode, as I simply like Birdy, and they did a few things alright in the anime, but it's definately not one of the great series I've ever watched. I'll most certainly prefer to sit through the OVAs now, with all the cute and campy what-have-you rather than the... just bad writing found in Decode. For the record, I found the second season was far better than the first.

    In closing, it's interesting to note all of the bits from the manga that were just pulled out and thrown together in Decode. It's still a bit of a wonder as to what we've not yet seen in the translation that was placed into the series, and as to what elements were completely original to Decode (apart from the obvious), but that's about it. Mind you that I didn't find Decode to be incoherent, which would definately make for bad writing, but rather that it is simply very "trope-y." Decode can be called a very generic series in many regards, and I think they tried to "sell it" rather than focus on good storytelling. Which is really too bad.

  8. Thank you for posting another installment. We appreciate the work you do.

    Also, I've worked with images and such. Would you like me to help you as a typesetter?

  9. Random question if you can find the time, Ronin:

    Exactly what is the age difference between Birdy and Tsutomu? I've always assumed there were a few years of age difference between them - I assume Birdy wasn't that much older than he was in the 90's OVA, and she might have even been a little younger than Hazumi. With the new version, I can't percieve her as any less than 20 years of age. Thus... you might have an age gap anywhere from 6 to 10 years if I'm right. Mere curiosity, that's all...

    Furthermore, I hope all has been well on your end. It's been a while!

  10. She meets her first friend altarian (Nataru) when she is in the fourth grade of elementary education (9-10 years). Although it seems a bit younger.

    A few chapters later she is reunited with the childhood friend on earth 14 years later. I think she may have 22 or 23 years old.

    in the first chapter. Tsutomu makes the first grade of senior middle school (15-16 years).

    If I have something wrong, please correct me.

    from Spain

  11. Sorry about the delays, I've been looking for a new job and that has been taking all my spare time. I'm about halfway through translating the latest chapter. Incidentally, I thank all those that have offered help but what takes 95% of the time is translation and that's what I would need help with the most.

    As for the age ranges between those two, that sounds about right. All that is known for certain is that Capella is a few "cycles" older though doesn't look it.

    1. Just yesterday searching the internet, I found a volume translated into French.

      I can not help you translate the Japanese, but if this translated into another language easier, maybe.

      i don't know if there are more volumes translated, but maybe I can help you for this way.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I am currently learning Japanese and the process of redrawing. I can't help you with translating but after some practice I will be able to help you with redrawing. It will take some load off of you and it might also speed up the scanlation process.

    1. You can help with redraws for the sound FXs, too. :)

    2. Ok sure. But I will require a little time as I'm still getting used to it. I also need cleaned files since I don't know how to clean them on my tablet.

  14. Has Yuuki Masami ended "birdy the mighty evolution"?

  15. Evolution is complete. No more new ones :(
